God is Calling the Church to Repentance!
The Spirit of God is saying that the Body of Christ is constipated, without a movement. He is saying that we must get rid of the waste, in order to be free from our spiritual state of constipation. How do we get rid of the waste? True repentance is the spiritual laxative or lubricant that will cause a spiritual movement in the Body. Repentance alone will set us free from sinful waste. Yet, God is saying that so often we come before Him with hypocrisy, lies, and lip service, but not true repentance. When we cry out for mercy and truly repent, we will experience a break through. Therefore, we must let go and let God have His way.
God is not just calling one, but all to repentance, because every member is constipated in one area or another of their lives. God is saying, "Come as you are. Don't try to repent on your own, but seek Me, and I will repent through you." The Holy Spirit teaches us all things. He will show us the areas where sin is lurking in the crevices of our hearts. The Word of God declares, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (KJV, Jeremiah 17:9) Saints of God, we sin consciously and unconsciously in our thoughts, actions, motives, and attitudes every day. Therefore, let us seek the face of God, and repent individually and corporately, so that we can live free of spiritual constipation. Only then will we experience the freeness and fullness of the Holy Spirit in our personal and corporate lives.
God is not just calling one, but all to repentance, because every member is constipated in one area or another of their lives. God is saying, "Come as you are. Don't try to repent on your own, but seek Me, and I will repent through you." The Holy Spirit teaches us all things. He will show us the areas where sin is lurking in the crevices of our hearts. The Word of God declares, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (KJV, Jeremiah 17:9) Saints of God, we sin consciously and unconsciously in our thoughts, actions, motives, and attitudes every day. Therefore, let us seek the face of God, and repent individually and corporately, so that we can live free of spiritual constipation. Only then will we experience the freeness and fullness of the Holy Spirit in our personal and corporate lives.