Lord, Teach Us How to Repent
God is saying, now is the time for the saints’ eyes to be opened to the presence of sin in their lives, and their need for repentance. This will cause us to cry, “Lord, teach us how to repent!”
King David serves as an excellent model of true repentance. In Psalm 51:10, David cried, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Repentance involves a true crying out and confession of sin. There must be a continual cry of repentance. This cry must be a deep gut cry, rather than merely a mouth cry, because mankind’s bellies are full of sin. In order to repent, one must let go of pride, which would hinder him from crying out. Repentance involves vomiting, pouring out, spitting out, not holding back, but freeing us by getting rid of the waste in our lives.
Saints of God, when we truly repent, there will be a change in us. We will begin to experience break through, healing and deliverance. Then our prayer will be intensified, enabling us to climb to a higher height and deeper depth in the spirit realm. We must repent of those things that the enemy would cause us to believe we cannot speak. Repentance is a true crying out and confession of sin. We all have something to pour out. Repentance involves vomiting the past, getting rid of the waste, washing and cleansing it out of our systems. When we repent, we must believe that God will hear and forgive us in order for us to be freed from sin. Many people believe that they cannot repent, because they are “saved”, but they fail to realize that salvation involves a strive to perfection. The spirit of pride causes some to think they have already arrived to a spiritual level beyond the need for repentance. Let us not be deceived by the blind fold of pride. We sin in our thoughts, words, actions, motives and attitudes, requiring a continual repentance and turning from sin. Hebrews 10:4 states, “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” Therefore, we can only be cleansed with the precious blood of Jesus.
True repentance requires brokenness. In the same way that pressure must be applied to break a stick or whatever object is being broken, pressure must be applied to us. We have a choice to submit to the Holy Spirit’s application of pressure to our flesh, or to resist the process of brokenness, and reject His work of sanctification in our lives. When we submit to the pressure, it will make a difference. Our flesh will still desire to kick up its heels, but we must ask God to give us a submissive spirit, so that we do not cater to the flesh, but submit to Him. Therefore, let us continue to cry, “Lord, teach us how to repent.”
© Vera Paul, All rights reserved, used only with permission
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