Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Word of the Lord: "I AM Calling Church Leaders to a Deeper Depth of Prayer!"

Word of the Lord: 
“I AM Calling Church Leaders to a Deeper Depth of Prayer”
Spoken and Written Monday, July 25, 2011

James 5:16 – “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”  (KJV).

           The Word of the Lord came unto me saying, “I AM calling church leaders to a deeper depth of prayer.”  God continued to speak and reveal to me the condition of His leaders.  So many leaders are not hearing God’s voice or understanding what He is saying to them.  So many leaders are getting their own interpretation of God’s Word to them and His Will or Instructions.  So many leaders are seeking people’s advice, rather than pressing in prayer to receive Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding directly from God, Who is our Source.  If the people from whom leaders seek advice are not distinctly hearing God, they of themselves cannot tell the leaders what God is saying to them.  Therefore, they advise leaders according to their own thoughts, rather than the true Word and Will of the Lord. 

          For this reason, God is calling His leaders to a deeper depth of prayer, in order to receive a deeper Revelation and Understanding of what God is saying to them.  When we pray intensively and press into a deeper depth of prayer, we will pray through into a place of hearing, seeing, understanding, and discerning in the Spirit.  Too many of God’s leaders are on the surface level where their own thoughts and demonic interference hinders their ability to hear and discern the voice of God. 

         We could never go “deep enough” in the Spirit, because there is always a deeper depth beyond where we have reached in the Spirit realm.  God wants to reveal Himself in a greater way to His leaders, and He is waiting on us to press into a deeper depth of prayer, in order to receive deeper Revelation from Him.  There are no limitations to the depth of prayer and intercession, where God will take us when we submit ourselves to Him.  The Holy Spirit is our Helper.  He is the One, Who will take us into a deeper depth of prayer, because we cannot do anything on our own.  God is saying that so many leaders are trying to do the work of ministry on their own.  They seek out a Word from the prophets, rather than going straight to God, Who is the Source of all Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.  Leaders do not pray for themselves the way that they ought to pray.  Leaders must labor intensively and extensively in prayer before the Lord, in order to effectively and accurately represent God to His people.

1 Samuel 15:22 – “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (KJV).

          God is also calling His leaders to obedience.  God is saying, “I AM tired of the people’s vain oblations.”  God requires obedience from His people.  Jesus walked in obedience to His Father.  God’s people are not walking in obedience.  So often, we do as we please, and ask God to stamp His approval on it.  We must first hear God’s voice clearly, in order to obey His Word unto us.  For this reason, the Scripture states, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit sayith to the churches” (KJV, Revelation 2:29).  Saints of God, it is time to press into a deeper depth of prayer, hear the Word of the Lord, and obey His Instructions.  Let us not waste another moment.  It is time to act upon the Word of the Lord: “I AM calling church leaders to a deeper depth of prayer!”  

© 2011 Vera E. Paul, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

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