Spiritual Depth, Growth and Maturity
Luke 8:11-15 – “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.” (KJV)
God is calling His people to greater spiritual depth, growth, and maturity. Now is the time to earnestly and honestly enquire of God concerning our level of spiritual depth, growth, and maturity. Therefore, we must ask God, “What have You done in my life? What do You require of me in this time?” We must step into this new season of spiritual depth, growth, and maturity by faith, pleading with God, “Lord, make me understand!” How do we grow spiritually? Spiritual depth, growth, and maturity require greater seeking and searching through prayer. Just as a seed must die before it lives again, so we must die to live again. One must water and feed a plant for it to grow. Also, the plant must be planted in the right place. God is saying that we must die to live. In other words, we must allow the Holy Spirit to take over in our lives. We must give up, let go, and let God! We must completely surrender ourselves to God, as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable in His sight.
When we are spiritually stagnant, and there is no move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the wrong spirit steps in and manifests in and through our lives. Therefore, we need a constant work of transformation within us by the moving of the Holy Spirit. We must honestly enquire of the Lord. “Why am I at a standstill? Why am I not growing?” When we enquire of the Lord, He will reveal the hindrances and causes of the spiritual stagnancy in our lives. Then we must enquire, “What do I do, Lord?” As the Holy Spirit reveals and speaks to us, we must obey by doing exactly what He says, and following His instructions as He leads us.Psalm 103:1-6 – “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed”
God is saying concerning His people, “Since I AM who I AM, and I always do as I say, why can’t man go on and grow?” The problem is not found in God, but in us. We must enquire, “Lord, what is it? What do I do now?” We must curse the spirit of fear and condemnation and move forward! God is saying that the problem is found in our laziness and refusal to pray the way we ought to pray. We are not communicating with God as we ought, by seeking His face and pressing into Him, which is required for spiritual growth. We could never pray enough. We could never seek God enough. There will always be room for more prayer, more seeking, more spiritual depth, growth and maturity.We will find everything we need in God, if we would seek His face. God is calling the church to repentance and spiritual growth, which is the process of moving towards maturity in one’s relationship with God, which will also flow into our relationship with other people. We must enter into a deeper spiritual depth, just as a plant’s roots must extend down deeper into the earth, as it grows. Spiritual depth involves greater intensity, profoundness, and penetration into the Spirit realm. There are no limitations to this spiritual penetration, because there are no limitations in the Holy Spirit, Who leads and carries us deeper.
How often do we fail to do what God wants us to do, yet still want the benefits and blessings of obedience? We must give God a chance, by seeking Him through prayer. It is only through prayer that we can penetrate the spiritual atmosphere, and grow into the fullness of the knowledge of God. When we press into God, He pulls us deeper and higher in Him. Spiritual maturity can be attained through one’s right standing with God. It is a state of perfection or completeness in God. Though we have not reached perfection, we must continue to strive toward maturity and perfection.
God is saying, “Tell my people there is a spiritual demonic storm coming in this last hour. If your roots are not deeply rooted, you will not be able to stand, but if you will sink yourselves deeper through prayer, you will be able to withstand the storms of life. For I would allow the enemy to fight you in order to stretch you. I will put you to the test. Yet, by knowing I AM your dependency, you must exercise faith by trusting Me. Build yourselves, and empty yourselves of the waste of sin through repentance. Know that before I bless, I test.”
God is calling for the building of the ranks of His army. Are you preparing yourselves to answer this call? God is asking, “Will you go where I send you?” We must prepare to travel and accomplish the will of God. This is a command and a charge to function, by getting into the Spirit in order to stand as military men and woman of God.
God has commissioned me to raise up an army of ministers, intercessors, and prayer warriors throughout the nations of the world. He spoke to me, “I am about to raise this prayer up. I am calling forth those who will stand. I am building the ranks of this army. I am calling forth those who will lay aside the waste of sin. I am calling forth prayer warriors, the intercessors who will prostrate themselves in preparation.”
God is calling and crying out to His people, “Will you stand to be My voice this last day in the wilderness? This is a command, a charge. I saved you. I kept you through your slipping and sliding. I’m tired of your ups and downs. It’s standing time now. I AM the One Who chose you. I have chosen you for a time like this. Trust me with those things that seem as though there is no change. I can change the unchangeable. I AM and I have selected you through this Divine connection, ordination, and preparation.”
Let us pray, “Lord give me a repentive heart.” We must ask God for brokenness, because repentance that comes from the lips brings no change. The dregs of sin are within us! We have to get it out! So often one’s own tongue is killing God’s people, because they are condemning themselves saying that they can’t do it! God will tell you that He elevated you and then test you. He will even use others to say, “You ain’t doing anything!” We must reply, “Lord, help me to do it!” We must trust God to complete His work of spiritual depth, growth, and maturity in our lives.
© Vera Paul, All rights reserved, use only with permission